DateAdvisor is the most trusted website to get better dates.
For more than 13 years now, our dedicated team of experts has helped countless people find a match online.
Your satisfaction is our priority. To make sure you get the most bang for your buck, we have put into place a rigorous approach where each dating website and app is carefully analyzed. We will guide you through multiple hand-picked dating solutions all while taking into account your own geolocalization and preferences. As a result, the recommendations will be tailored to your needs.
Hookup & Flirt
You want to meet people for fun and maybe feel adventurous. Ok, probably more than just “maybe.” Dating websites under this category make it easy to do so.
Serious Relationship
Find the perfect match to spend quality time with—for a long time! Dating websites under this category are intended for those looking for a life partner.
Online Flirt
You want to swing into kinky action from the comfort of your seat. Websites under this category bare it all to deliver exciting experiences you won’t forget anytime soon.